Your "Before" Photo is the Same as Mine...

I wish that I still had the very first set of “before” photos that I took of myself before I started treating my body, mind, and heart RIGHT. I would show them to every single one of my clients who didn’t want to take THEIR before photos, or to anyone who’s every told me that I am “intimidating”. Just like you, I had a “day 1”. It will always take work to get to a place where you are healthier and happier and feel better about the way your body looks. Just like mine did!

In my “before” photos, I wasn’t healthy. I was incredibly thin and sick a lot. I wasn’t eating enough and I was depressed, and anxious, in a toxic relationship. My hormones were whacked out to the point where I had to hide daily cystic outbreaks that would change the shape of my face. In summary, I was not in a happy place. Since those photos, my body has changed a lot. I have worked incredibly hard in all facets of my transformation—there’s no end to this journey!—and my physique has reflected times of emotional struggle, but also happiness (sometimes from too much wine :) and balance and self care and love. For my body type, I’ve been scrawny and thick, DOUBLE THICC, shredded and striated, gained some “happy” weight, pregnant etc.

What I look like RIGHT NOW, or what you look like right now is just a reflection of our individual journeys in life up until the moment we snap that first pic when we’re ready to get committed to a program. We each have our own individual story. Yours is just as special as mine, just as important, and all that matters now is that you are HERE, and are ready to make a change. Our bodies bear the weight of our battles. Grant yourself some grace and accept that where you are right now is personal and unique and that we can all get better together! I have by no means achieved my goal physique despite my accomplishments in the fitness industry! I am always setting new ones for myself and trying for the next level which is what I empower and attempt to inspire others to do for themselves.

Take that photo! Capture the moment you said “I do” to a better you. You’ll be glad you did it. #alwaysprogress #fallinlovewithyourjourney

Always Transforming,

Coach Elle

P.S. Get your own “before”! :P

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